USM Teaching & Learning Symposium 2018
- About
- Innovations in Teaching & Learning Competition
- Slide Show Speaker UTLS2018
- Video Speaker UTLS2018

USM Teaching & Learning Symposium 2018
UTLS2018 offers an opportunity to participate in an interactive and dynamic platform to listen to renowned keynote speakers, share teaching & learning innovations, exchange ideas through networking, and strengthen partnerships with various stakeholders.

Innovations in Teaching & Learning Competition
HEBATising Future Talents - Prof. Datuk Dr. Asma Ismail (VC USM)
HEBAT@USM - My Experience - Prof. Dato' Dr. Adnan b. Hussein (DVC USM)
Invoking Thinking Through Learning Design - Assoc. Prof. Dr. Wan Zuhainis (Director of M.A.D.D.H.E)
There's More Than One Path To Learning - Mr. Eizaz Azhar (GM. Halal Development Corporation)
HEBAT-My Learning Experience - Nabella Ridhuan Lau (USM Student)
How To Nurture Your Student To Be A Holistic Thinker - Professor Dr. Rose Alinda bt. Alias (UTM)
Emotional & Social Intelligence - Professor Dr. Mushtak Al-Atabi (Heriot-Watt University)
A Balanced-Mindset Educator - Assoc. Prof. Dr. Muhamad Saiful Bahri b. Yusoff (Felo CDAE USM)
The Art of Articulation For Educators - Assoc. Prof. Dr. Raja Nor Safinas Raja Harun (UPSI)
Impactful Learning Experience - Assoc. Prof. Dr. Azidah bt. Abu Ziden (D.D. CDAE USM)
How To Be HEBAT? - Dr. Siti Khayriyyah bt. Mohd Hanafiah (USM)
Closing-LX@USM - Professor Dr. Ahmad Farhan b. Mohd. Sadullah (DVC USM)